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User Journal

Journal Solra Bizna's Journal: Wheeeeee...

I'm actually writing in my journal. Whoo.

Lately I've been working on way too many projects at once. I'm doing a patch for nethack, designing a webpage for a Vendetta Online guild (forums, trade database, voting system, user administration, finances, the WORKS), creating a secure protocol for beta distribution, writing three games, doing the graphical frontend for AI visualization of some kind (okay, I haven't started that yet), tweaking SRT, creating a library for fast SRT copies on diverse systems, integrating SRT with at least one third party game, repairing a laptop, working as network administrator for a 13 machine IPv4 network (not counting b0rken b0xen), avoiding school, babying a box that's slower than frell (and a box whose hardware is so funked out it might as well be), keeping my software up to date, and maintaining my sanity. And that's nothing compared to the projects I haven't started yet. (But I'm going to have to soon, oh no...)

Maybe I'd get more relevant work done if I could just get this bloody ray-plane collision detection thing working. After collision detection, physics is relatively easy to implement, then I can get a good RBD engine worked up, then I can actually get work done on Desperation 2, then the betatesters won't think I'm some sort of elite slacker, then I might actually finish before I die of acute gingivitis and make a buck or three.

Hm. I must sound like I'm high. But I'm just listening to an unpanned FastTracker Module in stereo on headphones.* Honest.


*Disclaimer: Stereo overseparation shock can cause severe damage to your sense of balance, your ability to concentrate, and the focusing capability of your eyes. While such damage is usually temporary, I will not be held responsible should anyone try stereo overseparation shock as outlined above and suffer permanent damage from it. I do, however, recommend occasional doses as a cheap substitute for caffeine.

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