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Journal Simon Brooke's Journal: Moderators! Get a grip (and a dictionary)!

Yet again I'm metamoderating, and I came across this post. What's wrong with it? Nothing at all. It's both interesting and informative. So what's the problem? Well, it had been moderated insightful. Insightful it is not; it contains, as far as I can see, no insight, just good solid interesting information. So I had to metamod it unfair.

Moderators, if you see something that's informative, for heaven's sake moderate it informative. And if you aren't certain what a moderation option means, for heaven's sake don't use it!

This discussion was created by Simon Brooke (45012) for Friends and Friends of Friends only, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

Moderators! Get a grip (and a dictionary)!

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