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Journal KingSkippus's Journal: Who keeps a journal on Slashdot?

I keep my journal at Google's BlogSpot. If you want the random thoughts of a tired mind, check mine out there. (My thoughts, not my mind--I keep my mind in my head, and that's just the zany kind of crap you'll read on that site.)

Oh well, I guess if I have something specifically Slashdot-related to say, I'll post it here. Otherwise, you should probably really be checking out someone's journal who is a lot more interesting than me, like I dunno, Wil Wheaton's, for example

Crap, you're still here? (sigh) I've got to go now, no kidding.

Okay, one little tidbit, and that's all. I learned tonight that to say hello in Tagalog (the Filipino language), it is "Kumusta". Now, that is all, for anything else you've got to go to my BlogSpot journal. Seriously. Get going now!

King Skippus

"I've got some amyls. We could either party later or, like, start his heart." -- "Cheech and Chong's Next Movie"
