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Journal Saige's Journal: UPDATED: That's GibGirl PMS to You! 5

YAYAYAYAYAY! I made it! As of Saturday night, I recieved my Halo 2 clan invite to join PMS Bravo - the second tier clan of PMS! They didn't need to ask me twice. :)

See me in the list!

Now it's time to get to know some of the other gals, and become a full part of one of the best known all-female gaming clans.

(And, as with all the other PMS gals, I now have a 1up profile if anyone wants to check it out)

Update: I'm now in the list on the website!!

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UPDATED: That's GibGirl PMS to You!

Comments Filter:
  • ...that your nick recalls the Gibson [] Girl []? ;-)
    • Ummm... no...

      Did you play Quake at all? Where when you fragged someone so badly that their health went well below zero, they'd blow up into little bits, and you'd get a message about GIBbing someone? A Quad-Damage rocket into someone was always a guaranteed gibbing. That's where I get it - not just from the kill, but from the overkill. :)
      • You didn't notice the ";-)" at the end? My grandmother used to talk about the "Gibson Girl" - I may have some strange mental associations, but I'm not quite that obtuse. :-)
  • Very cool getting the clan invite. I used to be heavy into that scene back in Quake, Q2 and first unreal tournament era, ranking in the ladders, all that mess :)

    I've been laying low since (But since I just got a new rig, I hear the siren's call again...must resist...). I've never tried too much on XBox since after years of the keyboard/mouse combo, control pads seem too awkward, IMHO. (Though I *could* get a xbox mouse/key adapter if I really wanted to)

    I think its more I'm just saving myself from the mass

A list is only as strong as its weakest link. -- Don Knuth
