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Journal eglamkowski's Journal: 25 or 6 to 4 14

It seems odd to me that people bother wearing watches anymore other than to show off (e.g. a Rolex or some such).

Computers have clocks on them.
Cars have clocks in them.
Cell phones and PDAs have clocks on them.

If I'm some place where I don't have access to one of those three, I probably don't want to be bothered with what time it is anyways...

Watches can break, need battery replacements, get stolen, and leave that horribly tacky untanned band on your wrist. What a pain in the ass.

Why do YOU still wear a watch?

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25 or 6 to 4

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  • It is way more convienent.

  • Furthermore, I have a solar watch that automatically syncs to the atomic clock signal from Colorado. The solar watch battery lasts approximately 20 years. :)


    I am so used to having a watch always. I never look at other clocks much unless I've looked at my bare wrist first.
  • It seems odd to me that people bother wearing watches
    anymore other than to show off (e.g. a Rolex or some such).
    Computers have clocks on them.
    Cars have clocks in them.
    Cell phones and PDAs have clocks on them.
    If I'm some place where I don't have access to one of those three, I
    probably don't want to be bothered with what time it is anyways...

    Watches can break, need battery replacements, get stolen, and leave that horribly tacky untanned band on your wrist. What a pain in the ass.

  • Computers have clocks on them.
    Cars have clocks in them.
    Cell phones and PDAs have clocks on them.

    Woah! For a second I had a flashback of some training session from 1998 on the impending doom approaching at midnight 12/31/1999.

    While I do work at a computer all day I don't own a PDA and I only get custody of the family cell phone on weekends. Also, neither of these is comfortable when strapped to my wrist. So those times when I want to know the time I would have to dig them out, sometimes turn them on, an
  • My pager has a clock in it.
  • I don't spend all my time in front of a computer or in a car. I ride public transit and knowing how much time I have to wait for the next bus is helpful. For many people watches are simply jewelry - or, for tough guys, bling. They are status symbols or technological marvels or fashion statements.
  • 1. I'm not always in front of a computer.
    2. I can see what time it is with a twist of my wrist rather than having to dig out my cell phone. This is especially useful when riding my bike.
    3. My watch keeps better time than my cell phone or any other clock I have access to that isn't synched to an atomic clock.
    4. I know what time base I set my watch from and what the offset is. This isn't always the case when using whatever the first random clock I find is.
    5. I ride public transit from time to time so it is us
  • I got a nice fossil watch that I liked, but the band tears my arm hairs out (Us Polish guys are hairy), and i don't like having to take it off to use the computer. I don't like the metal-on-powerbook feeling.

    So, I just need to find one with a nice leather band... but I can't find one I like enough...
  • I stopped wearing a watch my senior year of college. I realized I was carrying my PDA everywhere I went and so there was no reason to wear it.

    Now I carry the cell phone everywhere and often leave the PDA at home, but it's quite rare for me to be without one or the other.

    When I was at my parents' place on Sunday I did notice it, though; I don't get a cell signal out there so I usually turn the phone off and set it down somewhere to save the battery, and there were a few times I wanted to know the time.

  • Really.

    Probably the only American under 30 (for six more months, anyways) without a mobile phone.

    Plus, my watch has the Detroit Tigers Logo on it.

All the simple programs have been written.
