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Star Wars Prequels

Journal yuri benjamin's Journal: Yet another Sith review - I liked it [Spoilers] 3


Saw it last night. I liked it. My wife loved it.
Now I know it ain't Shakespeare, which is fine by me 'coz I reckon Shakespeare is overrated anyway.

The central theme that I picked up on was the self fulfilling prophecy about Padme's ultimate death in childbirth.
Anakin's obsession with these premonitions were largely what lead him on the very path that caused her to die in childbirth.

[I've always been intrigued by self fulfulling prophecies. I once read a comic book episode about an evil kid on a spaceship who was some kind of oracle. This kid prophesied that one of the crew members would die of a terrible exotic disease. The rest of the crew, not wanting to catch it from him, left him behind on some planet. It was on that planet that he contracted the very disease that was prophesied, which would never have happened if the prophesy hadn't been spoken.]

Back to the review.


One thing I found was that the movie was predictable. Okay, everyone who's seen Eps 4,5 and 6 knows that Anakin becomes Vader. But just about every scene I could tell what was about to happen. Maybe it's because the force is powerful in me and I see a few moments into the future. Or it could be because of all the reviews, complete with spoilers, that I've read. Or maybe it would have been predictable even without all that - I'll never know.

Plot holes

Most reviews I've read mention some of the plot holes. One question often raised is - How come Darth Vader was so able to feel the presence of his son, but not his daughter?
Well, for one, he didn't know that Padme's offspring even survived, let alone that there were two of them. He learnt about Luke Skywalker because he used the name "Luke Skywalker". It was only towards the end that Luke's thoughts betrayed him and Vader realised he had a sister.

Likewise I've heard people say that the transition from good to evil was too fast. The transition was in steps throughout the movie. I saw that Anakin, like Che Guevara, just wanted to put things right, according to his own idealistic view of "right", and to him the ends justified the means. He didn't become "evil" in the classical sense. He did evil things certainly - but I'm not sure that to do evil and to be evil are necessarily the same thing.

It also got me thinking - would I sell my soul to the devil to save my wife? I certainly love her enough to do so. I just happen to believe that the devil can't save her so he has no leverage. Anakin was fooled into believing that the dark side could save Padme. So as far as Anakin being/turning good or evil - the movie made it clear that Darth Sidius was the real evil one and Anakin/Vader just a pawn in his schemes. In fact, even though it wasn't explicitly said in the movie, there was the appearance of a possibility that Darth Sidius orchestrated the whole self fulfilling prophesy thing. There certainly was a self-satisfied smirk on his face when he told Anakin/Vader that he had killed her in his own anger.

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Yet another Sith review - I liked it [Spoilers]

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  • Anakin was fooled into believing that the dark side could save Padme.

    I found it quite telling that only after Anakin commits to the dark side does Darth Sidius admit he personally doesn't know how to prevent death, but they can find out. He originally told Anakin the story of the Darth who could do things like start life or prevent death ... with the ending being that this Darth was killed by his apprentice. Not stated, but certainly implied, was that Darth Sidius was that apprentice.

    In fact, even tho
    • only after Anakin commits to the dark side does Darth Sidius admit he personally doesn't know how to prevent death

      Yes. How perceptive of you. You gotta see some movies twice to pick up all the subtleties.
    • preventing death was unknown, but was creating life? sidius mentions causing the midichlorians to create life. anakin was conceived immaculately, and it was hinted that this was possibly action of the midichlorians. coincidence, or is anakin the creation of sidius? it would add weight to why sidius is so keen to get anakin as an apprentice from the beginning.

They are relatively good but absolutely terrible. -- Alan Kay, commenting on Apollos
