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Journal Zeriel's Journal: Mood swings 4

Good mood due to being married and all that. The honeymoon was short but just what the doctor ordered to get my stress levels down.

So of course, one of my (possibly so-called) friends has chosen this weekend to have a meltdown and start screaming at me over...*drumroll* an argument. In Final Fantasy XI. That I (and the four observers I talked to) thought was just random banter.

Sometimes I wonder what's wrong with people, when they can get all steamed up over a lousy video game.

Apparently the argument was the final straw on a host of other problems. You see, I'd organized (a few months back) what's called a "static party"...which is kinda like when you schedule to meet your friends in Diablo2 at a certain time, and never level those characters with anyone else, except you do it every week. Sounds great, yes?

Well, four out of the six people involved apparently thought so, I haven't heard from one, and the last person (subject of my rant/gripe) has apparently been hating it for a long time, and not bothering to tell anyone despite the existence of a web forum solely for the group.

I fail my comprehension check. Is this "normal" behavior, or am I justified in being confused and hurt over not-being-talked-to over a video game?

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Mood swings

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  • 1. Anyone who uses the term 'comprehension check' is my favourite kind of geek.

    2. I'd say you're fine, but i'm crazy and no judge of the circumstances.

    3. yay, static party!

  • It's an effing *game*, fer cryin' out loud. If some moron is too infantile to realize that, cut 'em loose. Games, *especially* not video games, are NOT reality.

    Lose this soi-dissant "friend" as fast as you can. You don't need to feed their psychiatric problems. Life's too short to do that, and you're not getting paid to even try.
  • ... as I'm still trying to figure out why you had your wedding in the middle of ArtsFest? ;)

    • because everyone was in town and no one was at Spring Creek Park.

      That and I didn't bother checking when Arts Fest was before I set the date (living even as close as Bellefonte, it's still easy to forget about it)

Disclaimer: "These opinions are my own, though for a small fee they be yours too." -- Dave Haynie
