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Journal multiplexo's Journal: That selfish bastid


I'm not referring to Leonard Pitts Jr, who is my favorite, non-threatening negro editorial columnist, no, I'm referring to Miami City Commissioner Arthur E. Teele Jr. who shot himself to death in the lobby of the The Miami Herald last Wednesday.

Now, public officials committing suicide over their misdeeds is a rarity, Jeremy Boorda over his medals scandal, Vince Foster over Travelgate, and the classic, R. Budd Dwyer's on camera suicide in 1987. Now, one has to wonder if these officials were just weak and couldn't handle the guilt or if perhaps they were actually innocent and in despair over seeing their reputations destroyed by a vast media conspiracy (would to God more Republicans were like that). Anyways I'm upset because Arthur Teele didn't think of us, the public when he went out. I'm upset because he didn't call a press conference, stick a pistol in his mouth and blow his brains out in an homage to R. Budd Dwyer (which I actually found color footage of on the net) on the camera.

Imagine how cool a gunshot to the head suicide would be in HD? Imagine how much Fox would play it up. Imagine how CNN would whore themselves trying to catch up with those shameless bastids at Fox, imagine how the broadcast media, ABC, NBC and CBS would grit their teeth impotently, knowing that if they ever broadcast the footage they'd have the FCC on their asses in a second. Imagine the bloggers on the right and left fighting over it, and then imagine, as all of this is going on, that Al Qaeda is preparing another massive attack on the US to dwarf 9/11. That's what happened in the summer of 2001. The media covered shark stories and Gary Condit instead.

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That selfish bastid

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