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Journal lukewarmfusion's Journal: SmallBizGeeks

If you're here because you saw one of my posts, you're probably well aware of the link in my signature to SMB is a fairly new message board dedicated to tech-related small business. Since it popped up shortly after I started my company, I have been following it quite closely and contributing what little insight I can. The "regulars" have a wide range of experience and interests, so there are a lot of resources in both the tech and business sides.

The most common member is probably the freelance tech support guy. Many of these folks are doing support work on the side, while others have made the jump and are doing it full-time.

The next most common is the web design/development guy, looking for clients and ranging from small site design to web app programming.

After that comes the standard software developer (or ISV) trying to find the next killer app or find the market for their existing app.

Finally, there are dot-com startups doing something different - pushing an idea that might one day blow up into a multi-million dollar company (it still happens).

If you're one of these types, or even if you're not and the words "small business" and "geek" perk your ears up, come check it out. Lurk for a while. Join up and introduce yourself.

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