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slashdot users are idiots

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  • Just wow... Every once in a while you see something that goes against conventional wisdom - like super hot water freezing before hot water - but this was not one of them.
  • CmdrTaco could be said to have squandered the potential of this site, but not because of this.

    In this case, it was simply the people using the site. You presented an interesting question, and the people on the site (who want groupthink and jump at the chance to squeal "RTFA! RTFA!") reacted negatively. The only way CmdrTaco could even begin to correct that is to filter who is allowed to use the site and who isn't...which only leads to more groupthink.

    Unfortunately, when you admin a site that offers free,
  • Seriously. I had to read the thread a couple of times before I realized that, yes, they were saying what it looked like they were saying. Silly me, I thought oxygen was, you know, what made it, well, oxidize.

    so, yeah, it's funny when someone not only flaunts their ignorance, but does so in an insulting way. They were right that there was _one_ idiot involved in the exchange, they just had the wrong person.

    By the way, did you know that autopr0n is, like, down and stuff?

All your files have been destroyed (sorry). Paul.
