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Journal grub's Journal: The war against ignorance. 16

You've heard of Intelligent Design, aka "Creationism in a cheap tuxedo." You probably have not have heard of The Wedge. Simply put: it's the outline of a plan from a leading creationist group to push their agenda on the public. The document was leaked sometime in the 1990s. Check out this analysis of The Wedge. It will open your eyes to their tactics, failures and perseverance.

Make no mistake: this is a war. The creationists want to push society back to the dark ages where invisible men and government sanctioned spirits rule the world.

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The war against ignorance.

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  • The money trail is illuminating. Thanks.

    Separate issue: So what do you need to know aside from unix for the last 20 years in canada??
  • It's a war the IDers appear to be losing. The White House scientific adviser has come out against ID, and even Rick "It Takes a Family" Santorum does not want it taught as an alternative to evolution.

    However, the struggle goes on. In my own county, the school board caved in egregiously to pretty much the same forces on the subject of sex education [teachthefacts.org] and tolerance of gays. They used a couple of controversial points in the teacher background materials to trash the whole thing.

  • Make no mistake: this is a war. The creationists want to push society back to the dark ages where invisible men and government sanctioned spirits rule the world.

    In my opinion, no. They want to push the world to follow their standards, including the part about who's got power.

    Also, I guess some dumb people actually might believe in this. The only way to win the war, is to remove those dumb people, as thei're the foundation for all, paying the money to the church and whatever. So if we can convince those

    • They want to push the world to follow their standards, including the part about who's got power.

      Right, which is what I was referring to when I wrote "government sanctioned spirits." As long as it's their mythology in place within government most of their sheep won't question anything. That is power.

      • Right, which is what I was referring to when I wrote "government sanctioned spirits." As long as it's their mythology in place within government most of their sheep won't question anything. That is power.

        Ah, well, then I'm sorry for misunderstanding you!

        A interesting thing there... The USA has no state church. Norway, where I'm from has. We've even got a law saying that schools should teach children to be good christians. Yet, we don't have a single prayer in school, which I think (I am correct?) the U

        • sorry for misunderstanding you

          I may not have been very clear, not a problem.

          I don't think the USA has prayers in school. Here (Canada) they did away with that ages ago. The people pushing creationism would be happy if the US became a great theocracy with religious police led by the Christian Taliban.

          • The people pushing creationism would be happy if the US became a great theocracy with religious police led by the Christian Taliban.

            Yes, the people pushing it, but I like to think that most people don't really enjoy being extremists, since the average man gets no extra power from it, thus any such movenment will at a point destroy itself, due to abuse. Well, that quite clearly do not work in practise, so the important thing is to inform, to tell people what is proven

            And yes, I've been debating with wh

    • Maybe islamic extremists ain't or biggest threat anymore? What about christian fundamentalists?

      The Taliban aren't just in Afghanistan, and the threat they pose ins't simply proportional to the degree that they plan to shed blood.

      • The Taliban aren't just in Afghanistan, and the threat they pose ins't simply proportional to the degree that they plan to shed blood.

        Taliban is the specific muslim group, which has disappeared. But the kind of people has not disappeared. The only thing that can be done against them is to stop recruitance. If we want that in a free democratic world. I'm not so sure. The important thing is to ensure that they don't get more support than fair. And that can only be done with education. Give people what educa

  • As a Kansan this hits the bullseye. They get on our board of education with a strong and well thought out campaign. They seem normal on the surface, and you never know what they really want to do until it's too late and everyone is bitching about how we're the laughing stock of the world _yet again_. Then we promptly vote them out seeing as how Kansans are generally sane (but not very bright in regards to the BIG PICTURE around them, if that makes any sense). Next election they get in yet again, and the cyc
    • Have no doubt about it, the United States is fucked and I don't see it being over until long after they've kamakazied our nation and the people wake up. The very same tactics being perfected in Kansas are used nationwide. It's just that the rest of the nation isn't as open about it as we are, so we're the punchline when in reality this... virus... is everywhere.

      Except they haven't succeeded have they? At no public school in America is ID taught as an alternative theory to Evolution (it's not a theory -

    • point it out you get yelled at for being anti-Christian. Which I can dig, it's hard to say "Person X believes X Y and Z about the bible and I believe will sacrifice our already science curriculum to push it on the kids" without coming off as such.

      Oh well. If I point out that someone thinks that 2+2=5, then I'm anti-imbecile? Sorry, no. I'm not anti-imbecile, but neither do I want to be governed by them. I'm also not anti-schizophrenic, but I don't think people who hear the voice of Cthulu whispering behind

When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle. - Edmund Burke
