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Journal RradRegor's Journal: Just get a dog!

Wow, I finally got a MonopolySoft OS running again on my dual-boot desktop machine, hoping to play some computer RPG games for the first time in years. Then the wife comes in and is talking about our kid's teacher and how she must have post-partum depression, and that gets us onto her meltdown of several years ago (which is why I haven't done any serious gaming BTW) and how she just can't understand why being in a loveless marriage is a problem for me. Jeez, now I remember why we stopped talking. I had to use the dog as a teching example on how to effectively express love. Guys, when any chick asks why you don't just get a dog, stop and give it some serious thought.

Artistic image of the day is a cliff climber going sideways across the cliff, his ropes horizontal instead of vertical, gravity parallel to the horizon. Wierd image that came to me in a dream-like state of depression.

Anyone can make an omelet with eggs. The trick is to make one with none.
