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Journal Kris_J's Journal: Public wikis are fundamentally flawed

Have a quick look at the "RecentChanges" of the unofficial Flickr Wiki. Go ahead, I'll wait.


You'll notice a huge number of changes on, as it happens my birthday, the 4th of September by "". It's all spam. Spend even a couple of days working with Wikinews and you'll learn of "Ass Puss" -- a tedious, repetitious form of vandalism.

There's probably a law, like Murphy's, that says that in any sufficiently large population there are more people interested in destroying the work of others for profit or kicks than there are interested in taking the time needed to create something new. If that isn't an existing law, can someone clean it up and call it the "Krisjohn/Insert your name here" law?

This discussion was created by Kris_J (10111) for Friends and Friends of Friends only, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

Public wikis are fundamentally flawed

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