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Journal AB3A's Journal: Letter to Xeni of Boing-Boing

I finally couldn't stand it. The Katrina coverage on Boing-Boing has been ridiculously biased and for the most part, unhelpful. I wrote the following to one of the very worst perpetrators.

You know, Boing Boing was supposed to be "A Directory of Wonderful Things" --yet your articles are nearly uniform about Katrina, the awfulness and how it must be a right wing racist conspiracy. Believe me, the right wing isn't that smart.

FEMA is damaged goods because of many factors. However, even in their heyday, they weren't anything wonderful to write about, and this disaster is on a level unknown to the US economy for several generations.

I'm not saying everything is wonderful and light. But please, let's stick to the "Directory of Wonderful Things" mantra. Katrina's aftermath is not a racial conspiracy. Nobody who thinks like that could be so clever. It's nothing less than incompetence at many levels. Get off your high horse and try spreading some helpful observations instead of pointing out the hideous and obvious failings.

I would appreciate comments from those who may have read the Katrina coverage on BoingBoing.

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Letter to Xeni of Boing-Boing

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