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Journal RradRegor's Journal: Hamster captured. Recovering nicely. 2

She was tired. She was dazed. Buy our youngest found her in back of the hamper after two days missing. All pets safe and accounted for.

Very difficult day for my wife today. (Which means a difficult evening for me of course).

For my part, I got a stock option grant today. Not much to cheer about. Two years to even get the first actual vesting, and it is much much less than the initial block I got when I hired in. Don't really plan on staying in the job long enough to get any of that vested at this point.

I watched "The King of Masks" Yesterday. Interesting movie about traditions and sexism in China.

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Hamster captured. Recovering nicely.

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  • Had a great night tonight, had mother watch the kid while we went to dinner. We we're considering watching a movie but nothing really good seemed out there so we figure we just wont overwork ourselves and get to bed at a decent time.

    Amazing what a difference it was not to have the little one for a while. Nice having her back but nice while she was away too.
    • Hey don't give me any credit for having a bit of good karma. It's all yours, man. Everything balances out nicely in the long run, for the most part.

      We desparately need some babysitting over here. My mom lives about 45 minutes away, but we are really busy, and her mother is in the hospital now, so that takes some of her attention.

      Anyhow, glad you guys had a good one. I'll have a better one today.

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