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Journal Nerdposeur's Journal: Solar power: The most obvious thing EVER

Gasoline costs a lot, smells bad, is flammable, pollutes the earth, and entangles us in world politics in nasty ways.

Solar power is available nearly everywhere, is clean, and will never run out as long as the Earth is inhabitable.

Why aren't we researching like mad to make it cost-effective? Why don't we have more incentives to use it? If a home solar system could be subsidized to pay for itself more quickly, more people would use it. If they did, there would be a bigger market, and more competition for it. Better products, lower costs, etc etc. The whole world would benefit, and we'd be energy-independant.

I know it's not easy to make this happen, but it seems to me that it ought to be the #1 priority of anyone planning for our nation's energy needs.

Fossil fuels, geothermal, wind power, hydroelectric, and everything else depend in some way on solar energy to start with: fossilized creatures got energy from the food chain, which gets it from the sun, and the earth would be frozen and motionless if it weren't for the sun's heat. Why don't we get our juice straight from the source?

"Life begins when you can spend your spare time programming instead of watching television." -- Cal Keegan
