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Journal vik's Journal: Just trust us says US Secretary of State

Ms. Condoleezza Rice is asking the world to trust the US on its approach to fighting terrorism. This is rich, considering they are using weasel-words to bend international law to breaking point: It's not
kidnapping, it's "extraordinary rendition"; it's not torture, its "innovative interrogation techniques"; they're not breaking US law, because they do it overseas.

Is this clever wording supposed to increase our sense of their trustworthiness? To make up for the falsehoods of Iraqi WMD, their bogus denials on the use of white phosphorous and napalm, their mass incarcerations without trial? No, it won't wash. It is past time for the braver countries of the world to tell the US bluntly that their trust quota is now in overdraft and further credit will be refused.

"Can you program?" "Well, I'm literate, if that's what you mean!"
