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Journal ir0b0t's Journal: Secure Shell 2

Secure shell is up and running today.

Port forwarding is set up from the dsl modem that acts as a router for the office.

The ssh service also had to be set up through the firewall too. We're using Firestarter 1.0.3.
This discussion was created by ir0b0t (727703) for Friends and Friends of Friends only, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

Secure Shell

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  • Used it first time last week. Simpler to get a setup that amateurs can maintain than Shorewall! Even with webmin.

    There are some tricks with getting it to add additional chans - such as maintaining outbound IPSec/IKE traffic. You can add these to a user_pre file, under /etc/firestarter/

    There's no GUI for this, but I found that I ended up editing the conf files by hand, after seeing the examples started by the GUI. My little Debian box (Ubuntu Breezy) runs on a 200MHz Winchip (Pentium clone). I can load

Mystics always hope that science will some day overtake them. -- Booth Tarkington
