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Journal panda's Journal: Journal Navigation

I was just perusing some other /.ers journals and actually moderating the discussions attached to the journal posts and discovered that the journal navigation tools on /. are pretty lame. I'll have to do some more poking around and maybe I can enumerate the problems later.

Heh, I know....I'll just grab the latest slashcode and go to town hacking it over the "long" weekend. Um, yeah, right.

Something else hit me, too. Roblimo has a lower ID than I do, but I'm sure I "joined" before he came on board. I remember his column at before they bought /., and I used to read it and /. All the IDs below 1,000 must be reserved for editors and future editors. That's what I'd do if I were setting something like this up. Wonder who gets ID 666, then?

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Journal Navigation

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They are relatively good but absolutely terrible. -- Alan Kay, commenting on Apollos
