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Journal ediron2's Journal: WhyFoe art thou?

Ever wondered 'WHY did I foe that username?'

I do, sometimes. Mostly because I use foes to thin out the chaff... obvious idiots, razor-edge trolls writing stuff that drags you into an argument only to realize you've just fallen for the classic 'never wrestle with pigs' blunder, people that act like experts when they're not (this seems to happen the most with space/nasa topics).

But short of trundling around a dataset of some sort, all I could do is bitch about slashdot lacking a comment field in the friends/foes list.

But today, after I got sucked into an exchange with a conservative over women in IT, it occurred to me... I foed the person, then started to write a comment to them, realized I was wasting time, hit the del-key a zillion times, and changed my reply:

Subject: Foed
Message: Ping! There went the bozo bit!

Now I have a message history that shows the 2 comments that I posted to this person, links to their messages, and my 'Foed' subject line. Quick and tidy, eh?

It still isn't ideal (even a *date* for when the foe-flag is set would be useful... esp. if it came with slashdot links to 'show this user's comments just prior to X date'). But it's something. It'll do.

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WhyFoe art thou?

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They are relatively good but absolutely terrible. -- Alan Kay, commenting on Apollos
