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Journal saskboy's Journal: 29 comments on -1 Troll 2

I was seconds away from a first post, but even though I started out at +2, and expected to get up to maybe +3 interesting, I ended up down at -1 Troll. I've never had 29 comments posted on one single post of mine before, it's astonishing it's while I've spent some time at a low reading threshold value too then.

I think recently there are a few moderators hanging around that don't care for my "speak up" attitude, which is backed up by the higher number of AC trolls telling me to "shut up" in various ways, including slipping in Overrated moderations after the story is a day old. I think I may have struck a nerve too the other day with my remark that some Slashdotters place too little emphasis on building families and are short sighted to think that money is the cure to all ills later in life.

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29 comments on -1 Troll

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"Plastic gun. Ingenious. More coffee, please." -- The Phantom comics
