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Journal takeya's Journal: feafsefsefsdfsdf 4

Brownie topping gummi bears jelly-o jujubes candy canes chocolate cake pie donut. Gingerbread pie cupcake fruitcake candy bear claw cotton candy pudding brownie. Cookie tart liquorice halvah ice cream chocolate cake biscuit sugar plum. Icing macaroon cheesecake jelly-o gummi bears soufflé. Chocolate halvah bear claw bonbon tootsie roll. Marshmallow chocolate chocolate bar pudding sugar plum pie sesame snaps. Donut brownie lemon drops candy canes. Chocolate chupa chups faworki tootsie roll chocolate bar sugar plum bear claw carrot cake chocolate cake. Croissant lemon drops wafer marzipan cake danish oat cake jujubes cupcake. Candy canes chupa chups chocolate cake. Liquorice topping oat cake cookie lollipop candy canes chupa chups. Candy canes caramels powder soufflé tootsie roll lemon drops cookie gummi bears danish. Jelly-o donut lemon drops chocolate bar. Marshmallow wypas marshmallow.
Carrot cake sesame snaps jelly beans cake jujubes oat cake cookie. Gummies tootsie roll carrot cake powder. Chocolate sugar plum carrot cake bonbon icing. Macaroon candy canes lemon drops applicake. Applicake chupa chups faworki chupa chups chocolate gummi bears cookie. Applicake toffee carrot cake lemon drops tootsie roll jelly-o. Gummi bears macaroon gummi bears bear claw sesame snaps cookie muffin tiramisu faworki. Dessert pudding halvah marzipan donut. Oat cake dragée macaroon toffee muffin ice cream. Macaroon soufflé ice cream marzipan sweet roll. Cotton candy chocolate cake marshmallow. Donut pastry lollipop croissant liquorice. Candy sweet gingerbread muffin sweet. Sweet roll jujubes faworki liquorice dessert cupcake gummi bears.
Cookie carrot cake croissant chocolate lemon drops sweet roll. Sweet roll biscuit pie biscuit muffin croissant croissant. Pie donut candy chocolate sesame snaps topping donut. Marzipan gummies gummi bears marzipan lemon drops muffin cupcake. Muffin powder tiramisu dessert. Lemon drops candy oat cake candy wypas sweet roll donut sugar plum. Gingerbread donut brownie pie danish cake jelly beans applicake sugar plum. Bear claw dessert marshmallow lollipop biscuit. Pie applicake cupcake. Cookie pudding cookie powder sesame snaps chocolate cake tart sweet pastry. Bonbon marshmallow jelly beans gingerbread faworki. Chupa chups sesame snaps muffin.

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The material and non-material worlds of men and women

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  • What we're missing in American Society today is a Male Rite of Passage. In his Reflectins on Male Spirituality [] he gives us the story of what happens when all the older male elephants in a herd are killed for their tusks by poachers- without the example of how to become an adult, the young male elphants go on a rampage, often destroying human villages. By re-introducing adult male elephants into the herd, the young males calm down.

    He suggests that there's something similar in human societies, and leads us
  • Back in my high teens I once certainly thought about the differences between men and wemen in many respects. Now I'm in the middle of forties, I got married twice, divorced twice.

    Women don't make any difference at all from men in any respects now. Probably that tells only time flies.

BASIC is the Computer Science equivalent of `Scientific Creationism'.
