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This discussion was created by RailGunner (554645) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

The Job Killing Virus...

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  • Every person without a job is a good candidate for becoming a Democrat voter. Keeping the most people unemployed and feeling financially vulnerable and hopeless as long as possible yields the greatest numbers of life-long vote-slaves.

    And what better way to show a low-information and short-sighted populace that capitalism doesn't work, than by preventing it from working. The forced failure of capitalism here is overdue to offset the famous failures of socialism in the history of the world.

    • Capitalism and Socialism both fail by collapsing into rule by an elite clique.
      Let's focus on how we alter the system to prevent all the power collapsing like that.
      • Let's not, Mr. Moral Relativizing there. Winners in capitalism are largely picked by making good choices and who's willing to work harder. It brings about greater comfort and happiness in most people's lives by harnessing human nature. Socialism is a soul-sucking system not based on merit at all.

        And if you're talking about political rulers, I still say you're wrong. Socialism already requires rule by an elite clique, since it goes against the grain of human nature. And capitalism is just a free market,

        • I think we're arguing the same point from different ends. Pure capitalism "doesn't collapse power into the few"; but I wouldn't accuse us of operating in a purely capitalistic mode. The question is how to purge the socialist impurities, slowly.

HELP!!!! I'm being held prisoner in /usr/games/lib!
