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Journal Richard Steiner's Journal: Wrote in journal again... 7

I've been here for longer than I can remember, but I'd never bothered to pay attention to the Friends/Foes feature until today. Huh.

It seems that I need to pay more attention to my environment. :-)

I may start making journal entries, too. How's that for scary?

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Wrote in journal again...

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  • You do have one damn fine friends list so far. You obviously keep quality company ;).


    • Yeah, I'm all alone in the world... *Sniff*

      Would you like to be my friend? You'd be my very first! :-)
      • I'm hurt! I just got this message from /.:

        Richard Steiner (1585) has ceased their relationship with you. []

        I guess you didn't notice that I was your only friend at the time you posted your journal entry :). Now you've just reversed that, and you are now friendless.

        Jerk ass!


        (I'm kidding about the jerk ass part, of course ;) ).

        • Wow -- that's super slow. I was playing with Friend settings on Wednesday. I've restored you to "Friend" status. Right now, it shows one green and one blue dot by your name which I don't understand. Fscking stupid system. :-)
          • Right now, it shows one green and one blue dot by your name which I don't understand.

            The green dot signifies that I am a ""friend" (that is, that you have flagged me as being a friend). The blue dot signifies that I am a "fan" (that is, that I have flagged you as a friend).

            Things get more interesting when you also start seeing a pill-shaped icon. One which is all green signifies a "friend of a friend", which you should start seeing next to the name of anyone I have flagged as a friend. Likewise, one

            • Interesting. I thought the fact that you marked me as a friend (one-way) made you a fan, and that my returning the friend status would cause our mutual fandom to magically transform into friendship, but I didn't design this software. That would make more sense to me, tho, and require fewer pretty icons. :-)

              PS: Still using OS/2/eCS?

              Of course. :-) My main box is still Warp 4 FP 15, and while I have a copy of eCS 1.2 and an upgrade to 2.0 already paid for, I've not installed the 1.2 setup yet, and my eC

              • Serenity is funding a native port of OpenOffice 2.x to OS/2 and eCS (not the Innotek wrapper stuff we have for OpenOffice 1.x), and there are about five Mozilla variants running around including at least one with some enhanced WPS functionality. Me, I still use vanilla Firefox under OS/2. :-)

                Well, it's good to hear that Serenity is holding on and still trying to push things forward (not that I ever doubted otherwise, unlike some people we won't name here...:) ). It's unfortunate they don't get m

UNIX is hot. It's more than hot. It's steaming. It's quicksilver lightning with a laserbeam kicker. -- Michael Jay Tucker
