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User Journal

Journal PFI_Optix's Journal: This is required

I suppose I should write something here. I mean, a blank journal is like...a blank page in a book...that people write stuff in. So I'm going to write something deep and meaningful here so that when someone gets bored enough to actually click my journal link they'll read it and gain enlightenment.

But what should I write? I could write about technology, that's a popular subject here. I could measure the risks against the benefits of a highly technological society and discuss the merits of adopting such a lifestyle, if any exist. Or I could wax philosphical about the open-source movement and why the market needs it today. Or perhaps I could pander for karma and sing the praises of Apple.

No...lots of people do those things. I need something unique. Something that will speak to people. Something, new, refreshing, and not boring. Because boring people is bad.

One time I was at this lecture, and this guy kept rambling about all these disconnected topics. I couldn't really tell what his point was, he just kept going on about different things and going off on tangents and telling bad anecdotes. I hate it when people do that.

What to write, what to write...I hope I don't run out of roo

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This is required

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