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Journal ooglek's Journal: Are you missing a white bunny rabbit?

So I'm surfing the net at 11:30 at night. BANG BANG BANG! The door. I open it. A strange looking long haired woman in her 30s says "Are you missing a little white bunny rabbit?" "Um, no."

She continues her story about a white rabbit in the middle of the road. I grab my trusty MagLite(TM) and head into the darkness. As I get to the other side of this powderpuff blue Ford Focus, right next to the rear tire is a little white rabbit, eating carrot stems and drinking some water laying under the car.

What? Am I really seeing this? Is this strange lady really here?

I took pictures. It was real. Real weird.

"Life is a garment we continuously alter, but which never seems to fit." -- David McCord
