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Journal porkrind's Journal: LinuxWorld Podcast: Jeremy Allison 1

Jeremy Allison is a household name among the open source-aware, having co-founded the SAMBA project, continuing his role as a lead developer there, and currently serving as one of several rock-star developers now employed by Novell. In this podcast, Jeremy Allison explains why *all* software is going free and why it's all due to the GPL. You also get to listen in as a special guest drops by to visit. Listen to the edited version (23 mins.): OR get the raw, uncut, full version (50 mins.) with lots more on Microsoft, patents, and other goodies: full monty.mp3 As always, you can get the latest LinuxWorld podcasts at
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LinuxWorld Podcast: Jeremy Allison

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They are relatively good but absolutely terrible. -- Alan Kay, commenting on Apollos
