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Journal G-funk's Journal: Secure your firefox search plugin list against

I don't know about you people out there, but I'm awful sick of the Firefox plugin adding itself to my list of search plugins. At the top no less! Well I've beaten it! These instructions are OS X specific, but it would't be hard to do a similar thing in linux / windows (you'd use chmod on linux, and the ACLs in windows).

Simple really - after removing the search plugin from your list (with the SearchPluginHacks extenstion) open up a terminal, and type the following:

chmod 444 /Applications/

(That's all one line, remove the flamin space).

This will stop the plugin from adding itself to the top of your list every time you use it. Also, any search engines you add yourself go into a user-specific folder, so you don't lose any functionality.

I'm too lazy to put this info on a website somewhere, so if somebody wants to do that, sweet :) Put a link in the comments.

You can get the SearchPluginHacks extension here:

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Secure your firefox search plugin list against

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