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Journal FortKnox's Journal: Flare up and my last two weeks... 13

It all started 3 weeks ago (the 12th, I remember, cause we were on a trip to my parents) my kids got a stomach bug. I was able to avoid it until a week afterward (the 19th). I got just a little bit of it, but with the IBS, it hit me for a long time. I even stayed home from work on the 22nd (Monday). Went to work on Tuesday, then had the worst flareup I've experienced Tuesday night. Went to the doc's on Wednesday and got the good news. People with bowel disorders can really get messed up with viruses like the stomach bug and I could be messed up for a couple weeks on and off (apparently its even worse with bacterial infections... he said if I got something like dyssentary, I could be messed up for over a month). He gave me pills that are basically muscle relaxers for my gut when I'm in the middle of a flare.
I recovered slowly on Wednesday (I was bedridden for most of the day) and was back to work and recharged on Thursday. Things haven't been 'normal', but its been light enough that I can pretty much ignore the pain and cramping.
Until last night. Had a miniflareup. I could be the 4 cookies I ate at 9pm (I really can't eat food after 8pm without some affect)... coulda been the FPS that triggered it (I haven't played a FPS in a while), but it sounds like it could just be that stupid stomach bug that is still working its magic on my gut.

Anyway, I was up all night, and somehow I'm at work today. Usually have a big meeting with the VP of my consulting firm on Fridays, so I didn't want to miss it (only for it to be cancelled early this morning). So I'm half asleep at my desk trying to get anything done. I think I'm leaving early and just going to bed. It isn't my gut as much as the nausea in my stomach. Allergies keep me a little nausious during the early summer season. Yay.
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Flare up and my last two weeks...

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  • Going for my endoscopy on Monday.

    Yay ulcer! Heliobacter Pylori! (or whatever)

    Right now death seems like a great option.

    this fucking hurts

  • Anyway, I was up all night, and somehow I'm at work today. Usually have a big meeting with the VP of my consulting firm on Fridays, so I didn't want to miss it (only for it to be cancelled early this morning). So I'm half asleep at my desk trying to get anything done.

    You have time to read and post to slashdot so all is fine. :) It's Friday, coast and all shall be well.

    Hope you're feeling better, I can only imagine what it's like.
  • you deserve better than weeks of unhappy

    i hope it lets up soon...

    • I find it ironic that you are the one to say that to me...

      I mean... you have an affliction (much more serious than my mere IBS) that you have to deal with every minute of every day. I have a bad day every few weeks, and a bad week every blue moon.

      Sol, you deserve all the happiness the world can provide. I wish a cure would come up and help you out :)
      • Sorry, my literary terms are all mixed... that wasn't a case of irony... I don't even know what term I should have used, but hopefully my point was made (basically that you deserve the well wishing much more than I do).
        • no, that was irony.

          It was dramatic irony. Like romeo and juliet? That's dramatic irony. Different from sarcastic irony.

          That stupid song screwed everybody up. Rain on your wedding day is not ironic. Rain on your wedding day is ironic ifyou're marrying a meteorologist.

          Meeting the man of your dreams and him being married is not ironic. Meeting the person of your dreams and finding out that he's here with your dad is dramatic irony.

          Heh. And it's no big thing, i'm not just miserable all the time. Others here ha
  • Seriously , you should be on sick time.. bloody lack of workers rights . If you did actually take the time you need you would be fired.
    • Doubtful. I usually take the day after a flare off. This was my decision, because I am a worker, not because I felt that I'd be fired if I didn't go (in fact, I'm absolutely positive I wouldn't be).

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