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Journal Some_Llama's Journal: Solving problems

So I have been thinking offhand the last few weeks and have come up with 2 solutions to problems facing america.

First the energy crisis. We could subsidize solar panels for all americans. Wait wait, hear me out :)

I saw a documentary the other day about ultra hippies who lived off the grid raising their own crops, dairy, use biofuel for their cards and got all of their electricity from Solar panels and battery arrays, the solar setup cost about $20,000 per household. I worked out the math and in ten years time we could subsidize this setup for pretty much all americans.

Where to get the money you say? Well all we would do is divert the current Oil company subsidies we currently provide to this project instead. No tax increases and a huge reduction in foreign Oil dependence.

I also thought of a water powered generator hooked up to the main water line of each house, since water pressure is constant, and water can't be compressed, this would generate a small amount of electricty whenever using water, good for night hours of use (dishwashing, baths, flushing toilets) and esp good for big buildings where water use is pretty much constant.

The other solution I just thought of today, Universal health care.

How to get the money, well this is the controversial part, end the war on drugs and divert that money to health care.

Anyone familiar with the WOD knows it is a losing battle, and anytime a person is involved in the criminal system, that person HAS to be punished, which is shown to have a negligable effect on curbing drug use.

What we could do instead is use the money we currently use on enforcing drug laws and use it for rehab facilities instead of prisions.

I am talking about decriminalizing drugs, not making them legal persay.. much in the way other countries do (germany, canada, etc).

Of course any laws violated in relation to drug use (theft, assault, murder, etc) would be prosecuted but also mandated rehab which would already be paid for...

It's not that there are no answers to these problems, just that i doubt we could ever stop the powers that be from continuing the status Quo which keep some people VERY rich, and others poor or VERY poor or incarcerated.

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Solving problems

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