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Journal 192939495969798999's Journal: IT-related horror stories wanted for book 2

I am looking for true IT-related horror stories (brief anecdotes are fine) that I can use for a book I'm writing. The book discusses how any given IT worker encounters confounding and stressful situations at any time. I will also discuss solutions which although obvious, are ignored by management to the detriment of the IT workforce. Since I'll have to anonymize the stories in the book, I can probably get you a t-shirt or a signed copy for your contribution, *IF* I am able to get a good publishing deal.

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IT-related horror stories wanted for book

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  • This was related to me by a guy who I worked with on a contract gig long ago in Alabama...

    The guy in question (let's call him Guy) was the data center operator for an HP3000 [] shop in Oklahoma. It's the graveyard shift, and he and another guy are clowning around in the data center whipping write-protect rings [] back and forth like frizbees. As the battle escalates, they use the banks of HP3000's (which were about as big as a common household washer or dryer) as cover, ducking down to avoid shots and popping u

Term, holidays, term, holidays, till we leave school, and then work, work, work till we die. -- C.S. Lewis
