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Journal BlackHat's Journal: /Fall guys tumble on the cutting room floor/ 4

Let's start this JE with my revision of the only Sinclar Lewis quote anyone seems to ever mention: When Fascism came to America; it sold out, and at a profit. Plenty of quotes both current and past, news, nyaitj, and a texttoon. Hop in!

Even Further Clarification (from official ABC path to 9/11 blog)
It seems that people keep referring to this movie as a "documentary". A documentary is a journalistic format that gives facts and information through interviews and news footage. This is a movie or more specifically a docudrama. Meaning, it is a narrative movie based on facts and dramatized with actors.

The team of filmmakers, actors and executives responsible for this movie have a wide range of political perspectives. I would say that most of those perspectives (which is the vast majority in Hollywood) would be considered "liberal" or "left". Some of the very people who are being villified by the left as having a 'right wing agenda' are the very people who are traditionally castigated by the right as being 'liberal dupes' in other projects they have presented. To make a movie of this size and budget requires many people to sign off on it. One person's "agenda" (if anyone should have one) is not enough to influence a movie to one's individual politics when a far broader creative and political consensus is an inherent part of the process. And the consensus that emerged over and over during development, production and post production is that we tried, as best we can, based on 9/11 Commission Report and numerous other sources and advisors, to present an accurate and honest account of the events leading to 9/11.

The redundant statement about Clinton and the emphasis to protect his legacy instead of trying to learn from the failures of BOTH administrations smells of "agenda". You may feel we "bash" Clinton and/or you may feel we "bash" Bush but the facts are that the eight years from the first WTC bombing to the day of 9/11 involved two administrations with plenty of culpability all around. Something needs to explain how that happened.

Watch the movie! Then let's talk. If you haven't seen the movie with your very own eyes - don't castigate the movie out of ignorance.
-David L Cunningham* -- ibid.

*"Cunningham, son of Youth With a Mission founders Loren and Darlene Cunningham"

Do check out the usual Movie DBSs, wikis, first news link below, etc for more back story. Or wait until next week when the flaps really fly and various people start re-digesting it for you. I might suggest that you note the connections to our old friend S.M.Moon. Additional note that Scholastic is Trotskying thier involvement in this project.
3.Which medium do you think was the most truthful?
Which was the least honest?

Shall I revise another quote and say "Less is All" for my answer to that?

Moving along, next is more soc-pol bile from Mary the Wise.

When declared of age, in 1723, a marriage was arranged for Louis with Marie Leczinska, daughter of the exiled Polish King Stanislas. Europe at this time was agitated over the succession to the throne of Austria, as the empire was now called. The Salic Law excluded female heirs, and the emperor, Charles VI., had died in 1718, leaving only a daughter, Maria Theresa, one year old.

But a pragmatic sanction, once more invoked, seems to have covered the necessities of the situation by providing that the succession in the absence of a male heir might descend to a female, and so there was a young and beautiful empress on the throne at Vienna, who was going to make a great deal of history for Europe; and who would open her brilliant reign by a valiant fight for possession of Silesia, which the young king of Prussia intended to seize as an addition to his own new kingdom. This young King Frederick was also making history very fast, and after a stormy career was going to convert his Kingdom into a Power, and to be the one sovereign of his age whom the world would call Great! But at this particular period of his youth, Frederick and his nobility, still blinded by the splendors of the reign of Louis XIV., were mere servile imitators of the court at Versailles, and the culture and the civilization for which they hungered were French--only French; and for Frederick, an intimate companionship with Voltaire was his supreme desire.

But a closer view of the witty, cynical Frenchman wrought a wonderful change. The finely pointed shafts of ridicule when aimed at himself were not so entertaining. And his guest, no longer persona grata, was escorted over the frontier to France.

A nearer view of Versailles at this time might also have disenchanted these worshippers at the shrine of French civilization. A king absolutely indifferent to conditions in his kingdom, immersed in debasing pleasures, while Madame de Pompadour actually ruled the state--this is not the worst they would have seen! Destitute of shame, of pity, of patriotism, and of human affection, what did it mean to the king that his people were growing desperate under the enormous taxation made necessary by incessant wars and by the extravagant expenditures of the court? Louis simply turned his back upon the whole problem of administration, and left his ministers, Fleury, and later de Choiseul, to deal with the misery and the discontent and to make their way through the financial morass as best they might.

The power of Madame de Pompadour may be imagined when we learn that Maria Theresa, empress and proud daughter of the Caesars, when she needed the friendship of Louis XIV., in her struggle with Frederick of Prussia, in order to win him to her side, wrote a flattering letter to this woman.

This friendship, so artfully sought by the empress, led to another very different and very momentous alliance. A marriage was arranged between her little daughter, Marie Antoinette, and the boy Louis, who was to be the future king of France. The dauphin, the dauphiness, and their eldest child were all dead. So Louis, the second son of the dauphin, was the heir to his grandfather, Louis XV.

How should the empress of Austria, born, nurtured, and fed in the very centre of despotism, utterly misunderstanding as she must the past, the present, and the future, how should she suspect that the throne of France would be a scaffold for her child? Hapsburg and Bourbon were to her realities as enduring as the Alps.

In the meantime England and France had come into collision over their boundaries in America, and the war opened by Braddock and his young aide, Washington, had been a still further drain upon impoverished France. With the loss of Montreal and Quebec, those two strongholds in the north, the French were virtually defeated. And when the end came, France had lost every inch of territory on the North American Continent, and had ceded her vast possessions, extending from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico, to England and Spain.

So while England was steadily building up a world-empire, penetrated with the forces of a modern age, France, loaded with debt, was taxing a people crying for bread--taxing a starving people for money to procure unimaginable luxuries and pleasures for Madame du Barry, who had succeeded to the place once, held by Madame de Pompadour. Did she desire a snowstorm and a sleighride in midsummer, these must be created and made possible. And one may see to-day at Versailles the sleigh in which this mad caprice was realized.

The various instructors of Louis XV. had not taught him anything about mind and soul processes. They were quite unaware that there had commenced a movement in the brain of France, which was going to liberate terrific forces--forces which would sweep before them the work of the Richelieus and the Mazarins and the Colberts as if it were chaff.

The human mind was probing, questioning doubting, everything it had once believed. And as one after another cherished beliefs disappeared, it grew still more daring. The whole religious, social, and political system was wrong. The only remedy was to overthrow it all, and crown reason as the sovereign of a new era. Such was the ferment at work beneath the surface as Louis was devising incredible extravagances for du Barry. And there was rage in men's hearts as they wrote insulting lines upon his equestrian statue in the Place Louis Quinze.

The Place Louis Quinze was soon to be the Place de la Revolution. The bronze statue was to be melted into bullets by a maddened populace, and standing on that very spot was to be the guillotine which would destroy king, queen, the king's sister, and a great part of the nobility of France.

It is said that the three great events of modern times are the Reformation, the American War of Independence, and the French Revolution. Events such as these have a lurid background, a long vista of causes behind them! A French Revolution is not the work of a day, nor of a single man. There had been a steady movement toward this event for a thousand years--in fact, ever since the dogma that labor is degrading was placed at the foundation of the social structure of France.

The direct causes which were precipitating the crisis in the closing eighteenth century were financial and economic, while the contributing causes were a remarkable intellectual movement and the War of Independence in America. It is possible that a king with a heart and a brain, and the moral sense which belongs to ordinary humanity, might have averted this tragic outburst, and at least have delayed the event by awakening hope. The Revolution was born of hopeless misery. With the reign of Louis XV. hope died, and his successor fell heir to the inevitable.

A heartless sybarite, depraved in tastes, without sense of responsibility or comprehension of his times, a brutalized voluptuary governed by a succession of designing women, regardless of national poverty, indulging in wildest extravagance--such was the man in whom was vested the authority rendered so absolute by Richelieu; such the man who opened up a pathway for the storm.

As for the nobility, their degradation may be imagined when it is said there was as bitter rivalry between titled and illustrious fathers to secure for their daughters the coveted position held by Madame de Pompadour, as for the highest offices of State.

Could the upper ranks fall lower than this? Had not the kingdom reached its lowest depths, where its foreign policy was determined by the amount of consideration shown to Madame de Pompadour? But this woman, whose friendship was artfully sought by the great Empress Maria Theresa, was superseded, and the fresher charms of Madame du Barry enslaved the king. The deposed favorite could not survive her fall, and died of a broken heart. It is said that as Louis, looking from an upper window of his palace, saw the coffin borne out in a drenching rain, he smiled, and said, "Ah, the marquise has a bad day for her journey." It may be imagined that the man who could be so pitiless to the woman he had loved would feel little pity for the people whom he had not loved, but whom he knew only as a remote, obscure something, which held up the weight of his glory.

But this "obscure something" was undergoing strange transformation. The greater light at the surface had sent some glimmering rays down into the mass below, which began to awaken and to think. Misery, hopeless and abject, was changing into rage and thirst for vengeance.

A new class had come into existence which was not noble, but with highly trained intelligence it looked with contempt and loathing upon the frivolous, half-educated nobles, Scorn was added to the ferment of human passions beneath the surface, and when Voltaire had spoken, and the restraints of religion were loosened, no living hand, not that of a Richelieu nor a Louis XIV., could have averted the coming doom. But no one seems to have suspected what was approaching.

A wonderful literature had come into existence, not stately and classic as in the age preceding, but instinct with a new sort of life. The profoundest themes which can occupy the mind of man were handled with marvellous lightness of touch and clothed with prismatic brilliancy of speech; but all was negation. None tried to build; all to demolish. The black-winged angel of Destruction was hovering over the land.

Then Rousseau tossed his dreamy abstractions into the quivering air, and the formula, "Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity," was caught up by the titled aristocracy as a charming idyllic toy, while princes, dukes, and marquises amused themselves with a dream of Arcadian simplicity, to be attained in some indefinite way, in some remote and equally indefinite future. It was all a masquerade. No reality, no sincerity, no convictions, good or evil. The only thing that was real was that an over-taxed, impoverished people was exasperated and--hungry.
  --M.P. Parmele.

I doubt I need to frame any of the above in this forum. So lastly, a pair of short entries from Punch.

The report that a British soldier has recently discovered a genuine specimen of a small war, in which Mr. Winston Churchill had no hand whatever, is now regarded as untrustworthy.

A police magistrate of Louisville, Kentucky, has been called upon to decide whether a man may marry his divorced wife's mother. In our view the real question is whether, with a view to securing the sanctity of the marriage tie, it should not be made compulsory.
-- Punch 1920.

Regular daily service will resume in a couple of weeks. Until then.

News for youth with a mission:
the Pathe to 911. ...few of its critics have actually seen the film. E&P obtained an advance review copy on Tuesday, and we summarize the film below. It's possible that some changes may have been, or will be, made in this cut. And what about the DVDs already in-channel? Is some kind of remote hard cutting expected? See Quote section above.

Shrub and the secret prisons. Get it out now while Irwinomania is hot? The key problem here though is just how many they've liquideathed[sic] so far. And just how many young children they've buggered, fucked and killed in them. Abu Grabass looks to be only the tip of the glow-stick.

Nigeria still a oil soaked warzone. A reliable military source told our correspondent that four arrests had been made. But Mr Tom has told the BBC the seized weapons did not belong to him. The military say their haul included 12 AK47s, seven general purpose machine guns, eight sub-machine guns, ammunition, bullet-proof vests and dynamite. The abductions and attacks on oil facilities have led to oil companies withdrawing staff, cutting Nigeria's oil production by a quarter.

Iraq still a "State of Emergency" ... in a state of emergency. [insert Orly owl here]

Turkey drifting between wanting to kill Kurds and kill Jews.

Kaaaaaahn!!! Disgraced Pakistani nuclear scientist AQ Khan is to be operated on for prostate cancer, the government says. A statement said Dr Khan had decided to go ahead with surgery and would be moved from his home in Islamabad for the procedure in Karachi.

In Georgia: Some 450 police officers took part in the morning raids on houses and offices across Georgia, the BBC's Matthew Collin in Tbilisi reports. "They will be charged under Article 315 of the Georgian criminal code - plotting against the state and overthrowing the government," Georgian Interior Minister Vano Merabishvili told reporters. Among those detained are officials of two opposition parties - the pro-Russian Justice Party and the Conservative Monarchists.

BrownLeatherJacket said earlier in August; We have grown accustomed to Americans who look almost perfectly spherical, and we are seeing more and more Europeans who seem to aspire to the same goal. Popkin's point is that this is not due to some moral failure in the American and European populations, but to the changes that come with urbanisation: higher incomes, mass marketing of processed foods, and work patterns involving much less physical labour. His proof is that the rates of obesity in developing countries undergoing rapid urbanisation are rapidly catching up with the levels in the rich countries.

Free and not dead press. Mohammed Taha ran the al-Wifaq paper and was taken from his home on Tuesday night by an unknown group of armed men. Last year, he was put on trial for blasphemy after his pro-government paper reprinted an article questioning the parentage of the prophet Muhammad.

SD Press Briefing Softball Highlights:Sept 5th has plucky Sean, so we can be sure to hear some first class spinning today. Play Ball!
QUESTION: Sean, do you see the area in southern Sudan as holding the agreements up by efforts of former U.S. Ambassador and negotiator John Danforth? But also it appears there's a third region in Sudan that's at odds with the central government in Khartoum. Do you see the -- also on September 9th, this coming Saturday, and also on September 17th there are going to be worldwide demonstrations against the carnage in Darfour. Do you see those particular demonstrations as having a good effect?

MR. MCCORMACK: Well, certainly publicly awareness is an important -- is important with regard to the situation in Darfur. That is why this President from the very first days of his Administration has been pushing on the issue of Sudan to try to get a resolution to the various conflicts that have been ongoing there.

Joel, the Comprehensive Peace Agreement is being implemented. Obviously, in any type of agreement such as this where you have two parties that were warring with each other for more than two decades you're going to have bumps in the road. But it is being implemented. Certainly we want to continue to see it to be implemented. We want to do everything that we can. The Darfur Peace Agreement needs to be implemented as well. There are steps that have been taken in that regard, but frankly, there's a lot more work that needs to be done on all -- by all parties to that agreement.

George, do you have a question?

QUESTION: It could be that the Sudanese are worried about UN peacekeepers arresting Sudanese officials wanted for abuses concerning Darfur and, you know, and perhaps the impasse could be broken if the Sudanese were given assurances that the UN peacekeepers will not be sent to Sudan for such a purpose. Has this come up at all in any discussions that you're aware of?

MR. MCCORMACK: Not that I'm aware of, George. I'll be happy to look into it for you.

One and one. And it's a very old one now. In fact so old most of them are dead already.

QUESTION: Sean, you have said that you would join your partners in talking to Iran only if they suspend enrichment and those other reprocessing activities, but the Europeans, the Russians, the Chinese are talking about actually negotiating with Iran before those activities are suspended. Do you have a problem with others talking to Iran about its program before enrichment is suspended, sanctions aside, at this point?

MR. MCCORMACK: Well, I don't think anybody is -- I don't think anybody is trying to alter the terms of the deal that was arrived at in Vienna and then again in Paris and then again in New York with respect to the requirements of Iran. This is not a negotiation about negotiations. I know that that's what the Iranians would like to do. They'd like to have their cake and eat it, too. They would like very much to negotiate ad infinitum while they continue progress along their nuclear weapons program. The world has said no, we've seen this movie before, we're not going to pay for it twice.

So again, in terms of keeping open channels of communication, that's fine. As I said, that's laudable. We are committed to diplomacy as President Bush has said. But Iran needs to meet the requirements that have been asked of them, demanded of them, required of them not by the United States but by the international community. It was a 15-0 vote in the Security Council, so there should be a no ambiguity here as to who is asking this. This is something that is being required now of the Iranian regime, and at the moment they are in breach of those international requirements.
Strike two for cake projection. Two and one more.

QUESTION: On Lebanon. Can you talk about the Secretary's efforts to work with Secretary General Annan in lifting the blockade? He spoke to the press about -- that he's been working with the Secretary on it.

MR. MCCORMACK: The Secretary has been very involved over the past several days in working on various aspects of the Security Council's 1701 implementation. Part of that has been this question of the blockade. It's a very important issue not only for Lebanon but for Israel. And they want to make sure that it is done within the letter and the spirit of the resolution. Now the resolution lays out the framework and certain principles, then you get down to the hard work of implementing Security Council resolutions and we knew that that would require a lot of diplomacy and a lot of work.

So the role that she has been playing, she's been talking to Prime Minister Siniora. She's been talking to Secretary General Annan. She's also been talking to the German Government. They have made offers with respect to patrolling the Lebanese coast as well as making some offers on helping with the issue of monitoring of various entry/exit points. And I believe that the Lebanese Government has expressed some interest in this.

Now, working out the specific mechanism whereby Germany might be able to help the Lebanese Government and meet the requirements of German law and German politics, that meet the requirements of Lebanese law and Lebanese politics is something that we're working on right now and that's what she has been involved in over the past several days -- been a lot of phone calls. But, you know, this is what comes along with implementation of a Security Council resolution as soon as it was passed. We're very pleased that it was passed, but we also said that now the hard work of implementation begins. And it is our job, meaning the U.S. as well as the work of others in the international community, to make sure that this resolution succeeds -- part of it is working the issue of the blockade.

QUESTION: How close do you envision the blockage being lifted?

MR. MCCORMACK: We would, you know, we would hope that this is able to happen in the near future. I don't have a timeline for you. But again, it requires some dedicated, delicate diplomacy and that's what we're doing now. You have a number of different moving pieces here. You have Israeli troops withdrawing. You have Lebanese troops moving into these places. You have UNIFIL moving in -- the new more robust UNIFIL -- and you also at the same time have to get people in place and the processes and procedures in place so that you are able to monitor those entry/exit points so that you don't have the inflow of arms, which is another part of 1701, preventing the inflow of arms so Hezbollah can't rearm. So there are a lot of different -- there are a lot of moving pieces here.

And I know it seems like commonsense to people -- why can't Germany or other countries just go ahead and move in and help out. You know, each Government has its own requirements in that regard. So what we're trying to do is match up those requirements and those needs with the various countries who want to help out.

QUESTION: The Secretary General said it could be done within the next 48 hours. Do you think that's an overly optimistic assessment?

MR. MCCORMACK: We want to see it done as soon as possible.
And that's game for now. Much, much more in there as usual. RTFA!!

115968 : International Day of the Disappeared, Major General Don Riley of the army corps of engineers said that once the damaged levees are repaired, it could take nearly a month to get the water out of the city. Another huge operation was under way to rescue 25,000 people who had taken refuge in the city's Superdome sports arena. It was surrounded by water and conditions were said to be becoming unbearable. Nearly 500 buses were reported to be en route to New Orleans to move the displaced people from the Superdome to the Astrodome in Houston, Texas, some 350 miles away. But thousands more homeless people were wandering New Orleans streets last night, unable to get into the Superdome or leave the city. New Orleans's mayor, Ray Nagin, issued a stark warning of the scale of the unfolding disaster. "We know there is a significant number of dead bodies in the water" and others were dead in attics, the mayor told the Associated Press. Asked how many, he said: "Minimum, hundreds. Most likely, thousands." He added that there would be a "total evacuation of the city ... The city will not be functional for two or three months., and plenty of other items.

82994 : Serbia's education minister has ordered schools to stop teaching the theory of evolution for the current school year, a leading newspaper has reported. The paper, Glas Javnosti, quoted Ljiljana Colic as saying that in future Charles Darwin's theory would only be taught alongside creationism. , Mallam Nasir El-Rufai, You can ask Washington Post if President Putin had anything to do with the editorial,.. plus.

45013 : David Kelly, We have no clue. Our computer is giving us fits. We don't even know the status of some of the stuff around us.", Kyi and more.

Fumetti : Stock photo of Sir Richard Armitage(aka Sir Loin of Meeeeat!!!). Overlayed speech bubble has him singing;
"Plans made in the nursery/ Can change the course of history/ Remember that

Mummy's annoyed- says go and play/ Don't show your face/
Stay away all day/ Shouldn't have done that"

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/Fall guys tumble on the cutting room floor/

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He has not acquired a fortune; the fortune has acquired him. -- Bion
