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Journal boyfaceddog's Journal: Updating and fixing

Came in today despite fever and pink eye from friends' kids. Care-ful-ly explained network upgrade to workerbee/PC guy who had his two cents worth. Care-ful-ly re-explained network. Lightbulb moment happened. WB is happy. WB put in five helldesk tickets that I need to take care of. Care-ful-ly re-re-explained network upgrade AND all the work I need to do to get it done. Nothin' but attitude. Cancled WB's tickets.

I love mondays

Main file server acting up. Logged in and saw close to 5000 files being copied. Logged out and explained to user about cause and effect.

Copier/printer down. A PHB was all hot and bothered. "You need to fix that right away." Called local printer support place and had them fulfill contract.

And so it goes.

Everybody likes a kidder, but nobody lends him money. -- Arthur Miller
