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Journal Some Woman's Journal: [AoM] American Swedish Institute 3

This weekend's educational field trip was to the American Swedish Institute. The ASI is located in a house once owned by some incredibly rich guy who could afford such opulence. There were three floors plus the basement. The top floor feaured a ballroom complete with its very own stage. You know, for impromtu neighborhood plays and whatnot. There was also a turret (the structural element, not the gunning element).

Aside from the permanent "Swedish Life in the Twin Cities" exhibit in the ballroom, the museum largely consisted of temporary exhibits featuring Swedish artists. We were witness to the following bits of Swedish artistry:

  • LENNART NILSSON: LIFE This was a photography exhibit, featuring photos of sad polar bears that make the Como Zoo look positively humane. There were also creepy photographs of feti. I'm not a fan of innards and don't really care to see them through the translucent skin of a fetus. Oddly enough, Body Worlds didn't affect me.
  • AMERICAN GLASS & SWEDISH TRADITION This exhibit featured really expensive glass things. I'm not quite sure what you would do with it once you spent $3000 on one, but hey, it's nice that they consider those with too much money on their hands.
  • COLLECTORS' CHOICE: FLAT-PLANE CARVINGS I know what janeowit wants for Christmas!! Do you? (If you said a wood carving of creepy guy on a barrel, you'd be half right. She also wants that delightful tacky lamp.)
  • HENNING JENSEN: LANDSCAPES AND SEASCAPES Now that the Kid Dakota guy is out of the picture, janeowit has found herself a new love interest in this talented painter. If I could wrap you up some fjords and get them for you for Christmas, I would. Very nice oil paintings of, obviously, seascapes.

There was also a weaving room and, of course, the absurdity of the huge and expensive house that 3 people lived in. Part time. There was a sculpture garden, but there was only one sculpture. And it wasn't really a sculpture.

Regular Admission: $6
Overall Grade: C+
Re-visit?: No. I'm glad we went, but the museum lacks re-visit value.

This discussion was created by Some Woman (250267) for Friends only, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

[AoM] American Swedish Institute

Comments Filter:
  • 1. Tomte!!! How could you forget to mention Tomte?

    2. Or all the ceiling cherubs?

    3. We were 4 blocks west of the bakery. I will take you there some day, and that day you shall be brought to your knees by a chocolate filled ganache cupcake.

    4. Out of the picture? Since when does a little detail like a copy editor put some one out of the picture? I do not love lightly and my heart isn't easily turned. You obviously misunderestimate my love for his music and the ease at which I forget important details.

    5. I fina
    • Well, I was hoping to keep Tomte as "our little secret," but now that it's out...he's on the roof! The gnome is ON THE ROOF!!

      Which catalog number was your favorite? I was a fan of #83. I don't think it had cherubs, though.
      • I don't quite recall the number, perhaps 52, but my favorite was the one in Bedchamber C that was all pink and flowery.

        We need to make a pact that we will visit Smaland together someday.


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