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Journal Null Nihils's Journal: Follow-up to my front page submission

So, my first submission to Slashdot got accepted and graced the front page with its horrific words and despicable links.

The story had a sort of Democrat slant, not because I'm pro-Democrat (I'm actually Canadian, so my connection to American politics is an indirect one) but because that's just the way things turned out. Still, I'm encouraged that the left-leaning Slashdot largely noted that the Dems are really not that different from the Republicans, and (as my submission noted) may possibly end up being worse in some ways. It is nice to see that the Slashdot crowd demands real freedom, and doesn't naively think the Dems are going to save them from what the evil Republicans have done.

However, my issue is this: politicians legislate. It's what they do. They add more laws, they rarely take them away. If the voter just goes "I don't care for laws, so I'm not going to give input on them" the politician will go and make some bullshit law anyways. And then you get "tubes"-inspired legislation. This is a very Bad Thing.

American politics, anyways, is really kind of screwed. First-past-the-post voting, and two-party-only. It's the Diet Coke of Democracy. Sure, it once led the way for a freer and more modern world, but complacency has since set in, and the rotting has started.

But that's reality, and things are unlikely to change soon. Hence the point of view of my article submission.

Also, to those who harped on my headline's grammar, a newsflash: Correct Grammar In Headlines Not Necessary.
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Follow-up to my front page submission

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The Tao doesn't take sides; it gives birth to both wins and losses. The Guru doesn't take sides; she welcomes both hackers and lusers.
