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Journal Allen Zadr's Journal: Road Runner is now Comcrapstick

I have had a cable Modem in suburban MN since 1999. Time Warner cable had only been offering cable-modem service for three weeks, and they hadn't started the TV ads for it yet. My family Email addresses were Firstname@, Firstname@, Firstname@, FirstnameX@, FirstnameMiddlename@ ... no numbers, dashes, unmemorable components. Basically, the benefits of an early adopter.

Now Road Runner, Minnesota, was purchased by Comcast. So, we loose our great Email addresses... all of us. (Grr). Besides all the craptastic things Comcast has done to everyone I know who's been stuck with their service, I'm forced into loosing my Email addresses. Aw, hell!

Goodness... Sorry... just venting.

This discussion was created by Allen Zadr (767458) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

Road Runner is now Comcrapstick

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