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Role Playing (Games)

Journal Ayanami Rei's Journal: Q: Is Fran/Balthier beastiality? A:...

Viera. Don't. Have. Tails.

Bipedal, hairless, opposible thumbs, tailbone, mammary glands, child-bearing hips, what more do you want? I find it frustrating that people shit on the one sensible relationship in the new Squeenix game with misdirected fursecution (isn't that what they call it?). Then they have the nerve to complain that there isn't any good character interaction in the FF series. I think what they really want is some overt bishounen protagonist on antagonist and nothing will satisfy them until they get it. (eye roll)

Fran -- less than 5% furry, and a substantial part of your balanced breakfast! (Also, she's got good Mist Knacks, so you should really try her as a chain lead.)

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Q: Is Fran/Balthier beastiality? A:...

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