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quit bitching about the cold, you wimp

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  • It is the COLDEST it has been all season, with more cold temperatures soon!

    Why yes it is a slow news day.....

    Speaking of news, wtf?

    WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Bush and his national security team will meet Monday with members of a blue-ribbon commission trying to devise a new course for the unpopular war in Iraq.

    Exactly wtf is a "blue-ribbon commission" re: national security? So, like, they have won awards for their commissioning before? What about the second place red-ribbon commision, what do they say we

    • by banky ( 9941 )
      I'm wearing blue jeans so I guess it's kind of the same deal. I often see people wandering around aimlessly in DC, talking about Middle East politics and wearing blue ribbons. So I guess they get the cops to go round up a few of them.
      • Unh uh.

        Don't you know how it works?

        They got the blue ribbon 'cause they were the purdiest pigs at the county fair. DUH.

  • by arb ( 452787 )
    It is going to hit 27 degrees C today, and the forecast is for 37C tomorrow with more to come. It's certainly not cold around here! ;^)
  • . . . kids in Wisconsin are riding on their sleds. They even have pictures.
  • We just got back from skating; third night in a row for me. Tuesday night it was around 35F when I left the beach [] (so if anything it was a bit colder out on the loop, what with the sharp wind and all). And it’s not like I’m some sort of demented Eskimo, I’m from Hawai‘i ferchrissake!
  • But it's COLD!!!
    • by banky ( 9941 )
      Snowed a little last night. Just flurries but still. I want me some global warming.

      My main point is that since one of my wife's best friends will have completed a 6-month stay at McMurdo, I will for as long as I know her be unable to complain about the cold, without getting 1-Upd by miss "I lived at McMurdo for 6 months, you don't know shit about cold".
      • by mekkab ( 133181 )
        Having spent a week in North Dakota in december, and having skiied during -78F windchill (got frostbit), I really don't care. The right to complain about the cold is a function of lattitude, temperature averages, and proper clothing.

        Based upon this, the majority of Canada (not including the pacific northwest, which had better weather last January/February than we did in the DC Metro!) and the northern US states are considered inhosipitable by me. When oil/engine lubricants break down; when you have to kee

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