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Journal Neck_of_the_Woods's Journal: MMPOGS

Anyone else get bored out of their skull with the games that are being pushed out now days? It has come to my attention that if it is not a really really solid xbox/play2/game3 fps I don't like it. On the same note if it is a computer game it has to be an mmpog or I just don't really get into it.

Is it me? I admit I like the whole level building thing, muds had a good hold on me at one time in college. To the point that I had trouble waking up to go surfing. Which was what broke my little addiction at the time...don't tread on my surfing time.

So what is the deal anyone? Is it the human element to want to play with out people...ok get you mind out of the gutter. Or is it that AI is not good enough yet? Or worse, what if I am just plain getting tired of playing games....

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All the simple programs have been written.
