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Journal SolemnDragon's Journal: we fish ewe a mare egrets moose 8

Panda hippo gnu deer!!!

Well, here we are, the halcyon days (actually starting around the 14th), the end of the year.

The end of the year is when we consider not just the making of new resolutions, but the changing of things, the leaving things behind.

I'm not a huge fan of resolutions. This year has seen a lot of changes. Marriages, divorces, babies born, relatives passed on, and the endless progression though the adventures that make up life.

We have all changed. Don't get started on 'the circle is dying, long live the slashdot circle' stuff again; just take this for what it is- an observation that our lives have been an adventure this past year.

In my life, my bro had a baby, one of my longest-known friends had a baby, we got a new car, we went to a wedding, we saw many slashdotters whom we love dearly, and we observed the death of a dog beloved to blinder's family.

It's been a long year, though, and i'm not sorry to see it go. It's been a year of flares and fevers, and a lot of good stuff too, but it's taken a lot out of us. We're looking forward to next year being one with considerably less anxiety and more peace.

Rather than posting a resolution for yourself, why not post a blessing for someone else? For example,

I wish smoochy the renewal of faith that comes once all the dogmatic BS and the rebellion against it are both out of one's system.

I wish our parental dotters the joy of watching their little ones grow up happy and healthy and strong.

i wish sam a year free of tummy troubles, and (knowing that it won't happen) a year of short flares and long remissions.

Same goes for Mswillow, and the several dotters who are dealing with other major illnesses/treatments i've been told of.

Sparky, i'm wishing you working days.

Blinder, i'm wishing you less stress.

Ethelred, i am personally making the resolution on your behalf that you will terrorise your german inlaws with american recipes which they will like, which you will then refuse to make for them until they completely cave to your every whim. Except i can't think of any american recipes that the rest of the world can stand. Good luck with that!

Johndiii, i'm wishing you an end to your waiting, or at least a lot of other things to concentrate your energies on.

Dubiousd: wishing you more energy to contact old friends. And resolving for you that you'll finish up with the current wave of home improvements.

TL: Wishing you calm. Sounds like you need it.

Tuxette, i wish you the strength to continue krav maga. I welcome our penguinette overlords. Plus, i really respect your personal strength, and should you have physical strength to match, the world will fall before you!

Pancho: i wish you FOCUS.

I'll skip the obligatory gushy thank yous and so on. You all know i mean it, you've all heard it before. Instead, i'll just say... welcome to the end of the year. It's not a bad place to be, and i wish all endings were as easy. They aren't, so let's enjoy this one while we can.

This discussion was created by SolemnDragon (593956) for Friends only, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

we fish ewe a mare egrets moose

Comments Filter:
  • I hereby wish Mme. Dragon much sulfur and brimstone with which she will create the mother of all Zippos, which she will commence to use on the unsuspecting and soon-to-be-cowering population of a village like, oh, New York City.

    RDeWald will however get fair warning.

    Five minutes, tops.

    And hey, Merry Christmas! It ain't over yet! []



    • by RevMike ( 632002 )
      Bring it on. We can take it and dish it right back.
      • You seriously wish to challenge the destructive power of a discombobulated Beantown dragon armed with Zippos and bricks? Why, how soon you forget 2004! []

        Hah! I shall make S'mores as the flames lick the Hudson, and the Yankee threat is removed forever!

        (Actually I really don't care about the Bosox and Yankees, but I felt like trolling and am casting about for ideas. Astonishingly, Vi vs. Emacs didn't seem too useful in this case.)



  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • sol, i wish you a year of the discovery of many foods that are both delicious to your palette and completely friendly to your system.

    blinder, i wish you a year of making great sounds.
    • I was going to say something along these lines, but subgeek did a fine job... so allow me to simply say:
  • And to you... health. Good health. Not just for 2007, but for the rest of your life. No more mystery allergies or pains... and while we're at it, let's get rid of the ones you already have. I want you to be able to travel to Oslo and visit me. I'll treat you to some really yummy vegetarian food :-)
  • I wish you all of that, plus a sudden flash of cluefulness on the part of your mother so she'll tone down the needy behavior.

    And now I've gotta journal my own wish.

Pound for pound, the amoeba is the most vicious animal on earth.
