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Journal SolemnDragon's Journal: folding, knotting, writing. 10

When you fold someone an origami bookshelf, be aware that it takes a lot of miniature books to fill it.

Also be aware that having written one funny story about a teacup dragon, it will be expected that you will write many, many more.

And that it's very hard to tell a story in eight VERY small pages.

On the bright side, i've filled one of four shelves.

I haven't been doing any real writing lately. I'm FINALLY coming out of my flare (after a month! )Blinder is actually at home in the evenings now, which helps, because we can split up things like housework again, and i get more rest.

Yes, it turned out that the yoghurt i was eating to control the colitis had gluten in it, thus making everything worse and prolonging my autoimmune flare. Oh, the excitement. I'm feeling much better now.

In fact, i got a 25 minute workout running (on the machines) last night. There's an "interval training" cycle on the elliptical, i'm thinking i might see what it does, after i'm back into a routine.

So, since i'm back, maybe i'll start telling stories again.

In the meantime, i'm still knitting the same shawl. Blinder wants me to knit a blanket. Should i knit it in panels, and sew them together? Or try to knit a huge thing? I think panels. First i have to learn to knit a buttonhole to finish the shawl with, and i wish i'd put in a bit of shaping. Instead it's just a big rectangular thing that i'm going to block out as a shoulder-hugging shawl. But it will be good and warm, and that's what counts. I wish i'd gotten enough yarn to make a matching hood. It's a nice yarn. After the shawl, blinder wants me to work on the blanket. I told him he'll have to go with me to choose the colours.

I don't like most of the methods i've seen for buttonholes. I may have to knit some experimental ones in the friendship scarf for a bit.

(Pancho, drop by to knit soon, i kneed some knitting company. And bring that purty lady of your'n, we like her. )

And that's the news from the lair.

How y'all?

This discussion was created by SolemnDragon (593956) for Friends only, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

folding, knotting, writing.

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  • Yoghurt with gluten in it?!

    Anyway... good for you for exercising! Intervals are great (I'm an HIIT addict). I say go for it... and let me know how it works out for ya :-)
  • by nizo ( 81281 ) *
    How y'all?

    Suffering from art apathy and dealing with computer issues at home (almost all fixed). On the upside, I start a fiction writing class in two days :-)

    • I start a fiction writing class in two days :-)

      Sweet! You know, with your art abilities and writing abilities, you should do illustrations for your stories! Good luck and I'd love to read your work.

      • by nizo ( 81281 ) *
        I am betting I will get quite a bit of good info from this class. And yeah I have thought about combining the writing/drawing. I still have a glimmer of a dream of writing/publishing/binding/illustrating my own book; i.e. a one man book show. Not really to make money, but just because :-) I also have some ideas for some kids books; still not there as far as the drawing skills however. Man I so want to be drawing right now, instead of debugging broken Microsoft problems. I was working on a drawing this morni
        • i know what you mean; i'd rather be creating than "working" any day of the week. I've been knitting socks for Ben at work, which garners much curiosity from some co-workers (as I'm knitting them toe-up, both at the same time, on 2 circular needles). The other day, when I started writing again, I didn't want to stop, but I had to shower and go to work. I love when words come through my brain in that SoC kinda way and move themselves through my fingers to the keyboard. I used to write -- literally put pencil
  • Hmmm. I have a new(er) car after my old one was totaled. Now driving a 2004 Nissan Sentra. It's a nice car and I'm getting used to foreign things like a trunk and cupholders, but it isn't my old car. The upside is that it only has a fraction (1/16 to be exact) of the miles of my old car. This should ensure I don't have to have a lot of expensive work done for a while.

    I got a new job. It is 4.2 miles, or about 15 minutes if the traffic is normal, away from my house. Tech support for a local Indian bingo h
    • all i can say to this is that BBB can talk trash with the best of them; on those few occasions that he's mistakenly sent his replies to me instead of the kiddies in question (let's face it, we allow our tanks a LOT of leeway, because we don't expect their combat to take laser focus. I mean, he kills like the black death and attacks like a horde of locusts; i've never seen so much deadfulness in one place before. We kind of expect to have a few stray cussbullets sent our way in the course of a day's gaming)
  • Sandra Boynton []. She seems to do quite well in 8 pages- thanks to this book Christopher's first utter crack-up joke was the word "oops".
  • Not that anyone would be particularly interested, but I am still alive and plodding along here. I am becoming increasingly frustrated at work because I am having to spend more and more of my time troubleshooting broken hardware and fixing systems that I never knew we had and I haven't had a chance to do any work for my second client. But I do what needs to be done, so people turn to me to get things done, 'cos no-one else seems willing to do what's needed.

    At least I get to pick up my "new" car tonight/tomor
  • ... you ought to spell-check, so you get words like leisurely [] right.

    Regards, Your Friendly Neighborhood Spelling Nazi.

Always try to do things in chronological order; it's less confusing that way.
