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Journal Jhon's Journal: Netflix

I finally broke down and subscribed to Netflix. I've been a "paying" member for about two weeks. That's added to their 2-week trial membership.

So far, I'm very pleased with the service. I'm impressed with their turn-around-time and surprised that the DVDs aren't scratched up beyond use by the time I get them.


  1. Cheaper than local rental (which is around $4/movie)
  2. Cheaper than PayPerView (around $4)
  3. Huge selection
  4. Haven't come across a movie yet that is "rented out"


  1. Regular trips to the local MailBox/PostOffice
  2. Anxiety that a movie will get "lost" in the mail
  3. Anxiety that when something HAPPENS that requires I speak with 'customer service' that it will be a nightmare

For me, the benefits out-way the hassles.

For the record, We got 8 movies over 1 month. At that rate, the cost is $1.25/movie.

This discussion was created by Jhon (241832) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.


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