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Journal Dirtside's Journal: Suck

I'm not going to write anything interesting or insightful today, because I'm having a horrible allergy attack and my sinuses feel like the BSD demon invaded my nose and is jabbing them wit his pitchfork. So instead I'm going to ramble mindlessly until I get bored and hit Submit.

I'm reading Television Without Pity right now, which is basically a site where they write up recaps of each episode of a couple dozen TV shows. "Snarky" doesn't even begin to cover it, but it's a nice guilty pleasure to re-read old Buffy episodes instead of working.

I have a little cubical-shaped puzzle on my desk. Basically it's a hollow plastic cube, transparent on five sides. Inside the cube is a triangular piece of pink plastic (and an awful amount of alliteration) that isn't attached to the cube walls, but is sized and positioned so that it can't move (pick one corner that touches the non-translucent side of the cube. now take the three corners closest to that first corner. the triangle stretches between those three corners). The triangle itself has a large hole in the center, a smaller hole near each point, and a small groove stretching from one hole to the other. Also inside the cube are 13 small steel beads -- one is large, three are medium, and nine are small. The large one fits into the big hole, and will not go through; the medium ones fit into the three end holes, and will not go through those (although they can fall through the big center hole); and the small beads will fit into the grooves and not fall through, but will fall through the center or corner holes.

Bah, who cares. My sinuses hurt. Begone.

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