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Journal paganizer's Journal: Microsoft in a users perspective

I could probaby do this for submission, but I do not want to have to provide links.
My first MS product was MS-DOS 2.11 on a Tandy 1000HX that I bought, new, in 1989. I went from there to DOS 3.3, then 5.0, and 6.0 (Stacker!). I ignored the drivespace upgrade, thereby starting what would end up being a trend.
Thats a lot of changes, but nothing compared to what happened when I got Windows for Workgroup 3.11, in 1993.
For a long time there, I was underwhelmed. I liked, understood, and was a wizard in DOS; it was relatively similar to the mainframe stuff I was used to working with, and was pretty inferior to DesqView & Geoworks for pretty much everything.
Then, the world changed; OS2 Warp came out in 1994. I was running my own computer store at that time, and had it running on the display machines, doing things like having x-wing running in one window, while Doom was running in another; it was, simply, incredible.
And then, about 3 months before I think Warp would have had a fighting chance, Windows 95 came out. I was a Alpha & Beta tester for 95, and really wondered how in the world MS was going to compete with Warp; it was inferior in Every Way.
I had not counted on the Evil Genius factor, though; the shipping version of 95 was incompatible with Warp, meaning that the applications & games for it would not run in a warp window, making it a "one or the other" decision for end users; Possibly more importantly, though, was IBM stupidity; by the end of 1995, almost every new computer sold came bundled with 95, while IBM just did not; you had to buy it seperately. What were they thinking? they could have afforded to give away warp a lot longer than Microsoft could afford to give away 95; it was clear at that time that personal computers were going to dominate the world. IBM simply screwed up, and could be considered directly responsible for the mess we are in today.
I will finish this later.

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Microsoft in a users perspective

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