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Journal Red Warrior's Journal: de ME /AG 9

OK, actually, No-code tech with a CSCE for element 3. :-)
Hopefully, element 4 and both upgrades end of next month.

Then I'll start to learn the code. Honest. :-P

Oh, and after two solid nights of sleep, I actually got up in the general vicinity of my alarm (first try!) and went jogging for 2 miles. I hate running, btw. With a deep and abiding passion.

This discussion was created by Red Warrior (637634) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

de ME /AG

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  • Yeah, I know how you feel about running.... I deeply despise the practice, but do it anyway up to about 3-5 miles, but after that, no freaking way. My wife is the long distance runner where she competes in half marathons, but for me..... it has to be less than three miles to be competitive. I think that there must be something with the anatomy/physiology that makes running incompatible with some folks as I can aggressively bike or hike all day, but running starts beating me up after around 3.5 miles...
    • We hates it, yessss we does.

      But... I need to build up my cardio, if I don't want to get murdilated in the ring. And it'd be sweet to max the Army's physical fitness test.

      I may do a 5K in a couple months here. Not to be competitive in the race, but just to see how I hold up against "average" serious runners.
  • ... I actually got up in the general vicinity of my alarm (first try!) and went jogging for 2 miles.

    But that can never be good. Are you sure you're alright?!
  • in a threatening manner so I don't run.
    if it is threatening in nature, I bop it on the nose, and still don't run.
    if it is bigger than me, I kick it in the shins then bop it on the nose, no need to run.

    definitely with you on the ' hates the running', but will run off to bed now.
    • My sentiments exactly. We used to run to get food, then we domesticated cows and invented grocery stores. We used to run to NOT BE food, then we invented guns. :)
  • Then I'll start to learn the code. Honest. :-P

    I once had about half the alphabet down-pat at 20 WPM receive time, but really didn't have any interest in communications with code.

    What I really want is higher TX power.

    I should probably consider going past my Technician license now...
    • From what I hear (and have anecdotally seen), that is pretty much the attitude of large swaths of the ham and "interested" communities. According to the ARRL, the # of orders of training materials has gone up more than 100%. After all, I started SERIOUSLY studying about two days after the FCC announcement/press release. :-)

      Though there was one guy at the test site last night who wanted to take the code test. Right now. Even though it disappears in a month. If you've actually put the effort into it, I suppos

"Can you program?" "Well, I'm literate, if that's what you mean!"
