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Journal dthable's Journal: I Swore I Would Never Do Long Distance Relationships 7

but here I am. Basically, my girlfriend got transferred to Seattle for at least 18 months. She leaves next week but I need to stay in town and finish up my education (graduate in May!).

To make matters more complicated, I've been working on a Wisconsin business plan competition. If I win, that means nice chunk of state funding as long as the business stays in Wisconsin. On one hand, I'd really like to win and work on this web application full time without part time work to get financing. But things would be easier if I just threw the contest and then move out with her once I graduate. It's starting to remind me of the first relationship I was in and I threw away some good things for something that didn't work out in the end. I don't want to make that mistake again.

I've been trying to be the strong boyfriend. I want to be the one there for her to lean on, cry to when things get difficult, and support her and this great opportunity that she has. Yet, I find myself growing depressed as that date grows closer. Tonight, someone is coming by our place to give her a moving estimate and it's going to be strange listening to them talking about what to take and when. Even my parents are worried that this is going to come between us and they really like her. It's just a lot to add into the rest of my life right now.

I just hope that I can make it.

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I Swore I Would Never Do Long Distance Relationships

Comments Filter:
  • My SO is 1000 (and change) miles away...
    One thing that helped was her laptop upgrade, her Toshiba died, she got a MacBook. I got a Unibrain Fire-i [] camera, seriously Firewire is the way to go. It helps a bit.
  • We're about 7 months into our Boston-Minneapolis Super Funtime Relationship. We're fortunately in a position to see each other every 2 weeks, at the expense of our long-term financial growth. The difficulty is compounded by the fact that neither one of us particularly cares for the delightful east coast villages-turned-modern-cities-except-without-the- m odern. Of course, we also never lived together, so we don't have to get used to not doing so. That makes it a little easier. It must be pretty hard for
    • by dthable ( 163749 ) *
      We've already been planning on ways she can travel back home to visit and claim it's for work. I think I can visit once, but I'm not sure how my financial aid is going to hold out. My parents really like her and want this to work out, so I'll see if they can lend me some cash for a ticket and visit over spring break. If we can make this work, we should be able to get through life together.
  • Then if you don't win it, you can move to be with her and never regret that you gave up something. If you do win, then you have to make the decision. If you can stand hip-hop, go find Jay-Z's new album and listen to Lose One:

    I don't think it's meant to be, B
    But she loves her work more than she does me
    And honestly, at twenty-three
    I would probably love my work more than I did she
    So B, ain't we
    It's me, and her
    'Cause what she prefers over me, is work
    And that's, where we, differ
    So I have to give her

    • by dthable ( 163749 ) *
      I know and a lot of people who get my elevator pitch really like the idea. It's now a matter of executing it and seeing if I can get some financing when I need to grow it. I know all too well about regret too.

      Back in the day, I won't say how long because it shows how long I've been working towards my degree, I was enrolled at UW-Madison in one of the top CS programs in the nation. Not only that, but I was good - pulling in A's while my counterparts struggled to pull in C's and finish the projects on time. W
  • I'm in Seattle. If she is, I'll help test her loyalty to you! :-D
    • by dthable ( 163749 )
      That's ok, but I might hit you up for the names of some companies in Seattle that could use a software engineer. :P

The faster I go, the behinder I get. -- Lewis Carroll
