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Journal banky's Journal: Recent means to move air molecules around

Killswitch Engage, As Daylight Dies: Meh. HJ has a really good range, comparable to the mighty Burton C. Bell of Fear Factory, but can't quite manage a proper deathgrunt, so sometimes he's screeching. Diverges into math-core at times. The single ("My Curse") is reasonably indicative of the rest of the record. Should appeal VERY MUCH to the kids looking to appear tougher than their My Chemical Romance/Fallout Boy guy-liner buddies.

Threat Signal, Under Reprisal: Other than moments where it sounds like the guy from Linkin Park is singing, damn this is some good shit. Sounds a lot like Fear Factory pre-suckdom (ie the Roadrunner days).

Only Crime, Virulence: Hey, it's a Bill Stevenson band! So you already know what it sounds like. Every other Bill Stevenson band. Is it a harder version of All? Is it a better produced version of "Live '84"? Does the singer sound like Milo? Pretty much, yeah. I mean that's awesome but, yeah. I suppose there's some sort of Zen Koan in there about being what one is.

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Recent means to move air molecules around

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