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Journal rehtonAesoohC's Journal: New biggest pet peeve. 1

So, my new biggest pet peeve is when people eat chips. I know it seems odd, but I work in an office with no dividers or white noise generators between myself and my co-workers. It's a strange configuration really, working in cubes without walls. Anyway, there are only 3 other people in my office, but one of them loves to eat chips at lunch. And every time he does, he takes about 30 minutes to finish a bag. All I hear every day at lunch is *crunch crunch crunch* (insert plastic rustling) *crunch crunch crunch crunch*.

Actually I think it bothers me more on days that I'm more tired (like today) but I actually have to remove myself from the room because I'm getting so irritated... *sigh* Such is life in the computer world I suppose.

Son of a... he just started crunching again!!
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New biggest pet peeve.

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  • The price one pays (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Billosaur ( 927319 ) * <wgrother@nosPam.optonline.net> on Wednesday March 21, 2007 @02:37PM (#18432399) Journal

    Cubicle life is the hardest thing to deal with. I sit in a cube along a heavily-traveled walkway, next to a conference room, and just about 20 feet from the men's room and 30 feet from the main entrance to the floor. As a result, I am constantly assaulted by noises, smells, and conversations that make it impossible to work sometimes. And I know -- wear headphones -- but I shouldn't be forced to do that because others can't have some common decency.

    I miss the days of working from home -- I was about 75% more productive.

A list is only as strong as its weakest link. -- Don Knuth
