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Journal Orion Blastar's Journal: I have excellent karma but can no longer respond to posts

I guess my account was disabled from making comments, because I myself am disabled. I got into a debate with the OLPC subject and a user started to call me stupid and flame me. I wrote back and said how the OLPC discriminates against disabled people and how my family has a history of disability. The flamewar stopped, after I showed how the OLPC discriminated against the disabled and children living in third world nations and started to use factual information. Anyway I can no longer reply to any stories or comments now.

This has happened to my account before and it keeps happening. I am a disabled man who lost his last job in 2002 and was forced on disability after being discriminated against by employers, coworkers, managers, lawyers, and being attacked in real life and over the Internet. The attacks over the Internet have kept up since 2002. People telling me to go kill myself or telling me that I am stupid or gay or some other name calling. They use different names, but I can tell it is the same people who discriminated against me before and continue to stalk me on the Internet. My account usually gets deleted or disabled in some way, and my comments hidden and my ability to see hidden comments are taken away as well. This is a cycle that never ends, and I am getting tired of it. I am tired of being abused and getting stress heaped on me by people attacking me over the Internet. I get Internet DoS attacks as well on my IP and my browser and Internet crashed three times while trying to write this. A forum named United Political Debate installed a trojan on my system named bloodhound from code their administrator wrote for the forum. It trashed one of my systems beyond repair.

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I have excellent karma but can no longer respond to posts

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