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Journal swschrad's Journal: detours

you know how it is when you fix something... all the other Stuff lying around gets jealous, and it breaks down by the numbers to get attention, right?

well, when you remodel something, everything else looks tacky. so it's off to the home centers once again.

I don't have assigned parking yet, but we're getting there. the bedrooms frankly had odors, so we decided it makes no sense to put in the trim before replacing the hallway's hollow doors... and then we really shouldn't retrim without carrying the golden oak throughout... and it's dumb to do that without replacing all that original 1979 carpet which holds some nascent odors...

and pretty soon, you're wondering if you should save the light bulbs when the dump trucks and bulldozers come the next day.

we haven't gone that far, but have repainted both bedrooms in preparation for putting in the carpet we ordered in February. the closet bifold doors were two atom thick veneer over scuzwood and the hollow doors were supported by cardboard inside, so they will also be replaced with solid 6-panel oak doors. my, did those hollow doors burn fast in the firepit last night! see, it's a SAFETY upgrade! -- and now I need more, sharper tools, to avoid MORE accidents ;)

anyway, second bedroom got stripped to the bones, one or another critter in the house's past requires replacing a couple running feet of floorboard, and we're going to sand off the evil dark brown stain from Hell on the window frames tonight. the frames have been de-trimmed, and it took a bunch of backer rod and caulk to stop the drafts around the crummy trimming of the sheetrock around the frames. we gut the first bedroom starting friday night and through saturday.

then we put the previously finished trim in those rooms, fill a truck with more, finish it, finish the kitchen doors, finish the hall and closet doors and install them, do all trim, do the kitchen doors...

and try to avoid noticing the living room seems dark, dank, odorous, and menacing.....

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